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The best time to wake up

The best time to wake up depends on several factors, including your sleep needs, circadian rhythm, and lifestyle. Here’s a structured approach to finding your ideal wake-up time: 1. **Sleep Cycles Matter**      - Sleep occurs in ~90-minute cycles (light, deep, and REM sleep). Waking between cycles (after 6, 7.5, or 9 hours) reduces grogginess.      - Example: If you fall asleep at **11:00 PM**, aim to wake at:        - **5:00 AM** (4 cycles = 6 hours)        - **6:30 AM** (5 cycles = 7.5 hours)        - **8:00 AM** (6 cycles = 9 hours).   2. **Consistency is Key**      - Wake up at the same time daily, even on weekends, to regulate your circadian rhythm.   3. **Chronotype (Natural Preference)**      - **Early risers (larks):** Naturally wake at 5–7 AM.      - **Night owls:** Prefer waking later ...
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